Medical Interpreting Studies

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  • $140.00

Medical Specialization Projects

These projects are for the study of specialized vocabulary to improve the foundation of an interpreter's knowledge in specialized terminology recognition, comprehension, and accurate ASL interpretation.  RID CEUs are overseen & administered by RID Sponsor: Ginevra Deianni.  Some projects require an independent book purchase. 

Project topic choices from drop down menu include:

  • Latin Medical Terminology for Interpreters: 1.5 RID Professional Studies CEUs. $140 Medical interpreters must understand latin-based medical terminology in order to properly interpret in medical settings.  In this course, you are provided with the workbook that walks you through 12 Chapters of the latin terminology of medicine (you do not need to purchase any other book/text).  You complete 2-page unit tests at the end of each chapter and send in your answers for credit.
  • Medical Terminology Interpreting Practice P2:  1.0 RID Professional Studies CEUs.  $95 Latin Medical Terminology for Interpreters is a pre-requisite to register for this project.  Participants study medical vocabulary and concepts in ASL and choose words from the previous latin medical terminology project to interpret into a recorded video to show the RID sponsor.  A link or hard copy of this video is the end product of your work.  Any video format can be used. No book purchase required.  
  • RX Study for Medical Interpreters Top 100 Meds:  1.25 RID Professional Studies CEUs.  $115 Participants study the top 100 most prescribed medications (generic & brand names) in the U.S., learn about their indications, and visual descriptions to best serve Deaf patients in the medical arena. No book purchase required.
  • Visual Anatomy & Physiology for Medical Interpreters1.0 RID Professional Studies CEUs. $95  Participants purchase the workbook "Anatomy & Physiology made Incredibly Visual” 2nd edition* and are given supplemental medical video clips in ASL and English to deepen their understanding of how the human body looks and operates for a more conceptually accurate medical interpretation.  Book purchase required (see below in Notes). Light on-line research involved.  
  • HIPAA + Industrial Safety Standards for Medical Interpreters:  0.25 RID CEUs General Studies + HIPAA Certificate of Completion.  $32 This project is two short self-study lesson that iCEU Central provides on two topics: HIPAA rules & responsibilities for interpreters how to stay safe, avoid illness, and respond to problems in medical facilities.  The lesson covers everything from pathogen exposure prevention to safety standards for working in psychiatric units, disaster response, inappropriate behavior reporting, and trauma self-care. No external purchases are required for this project. 



- The Medical Terminology Course includes the 300-page Medical Terminology Manual which is emailed to you as a PDF to print and write in, but you are also provided the name of the text to purchase on-line if you prefer a spiral bound formal workbook.

- RX Learning is all on-line resources given in the project instructions - free open source access.  No additional materials are needed.

- *Visual Anatomy & Physiology requires that you purchase "Anatomy & Physiology Made Incredibly Visual" 2nd Edition, or *"Anatomy & Physiology Made Incredibly Easy" 5th edition from the same series as a substitute. (available on-line and at local booksellers or libraries). 

Please feel free to email us anytime to ask for curriculum specifics on any project, or sample questions/materials. We want you to feel comfortable with what you are registering for.