Monthly Book Discussion for Interpreters

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  • $95.00

Our on-line interpreter book discussions are a way for professional interpreters to discuss relevant texts with colleagues across the country (and abroad), moderated and overseen by RID Sponsor: Ginevra Deianni.  Book clubs last 4 weeks (1 month), with a weekly reflection question to answer on-line.  Participants write a brief, informal, weekly reflection, and respond to each other's posts to create meaningful dialogue on the cultural topics in each book. There is no specific time to log on for this program - participants follow weekly deadlines for posting responses at their own pace to keep the group on track together. Flexibility & extensions are offered as needed.

Important Note: Book is not included. Much like a college course, participants must purchase their own text (due to copyright laws).  Many books have an e-book option, and some are even available for free rental at your local library. 

CEUs are awarded and posted to RID members transcript upon successful completion.  Certificates awarded for non-RID participants too.  All RID CEUs are overseen & administered by Ginevra Deianni, RID Sponsor.  To register for an upcoming bookclub, see below:

Miss a novel in the past?  You can find it in the Cultural Book Studies section!


August 1 - 31, 2024     1.0 PS CEUs 

“The Body Keeps the Score: Brain, Mind & Body in the Healing of Trauma"

By: Bessel Van Der Kolk, MD

August expands our knowledge on being trauma-informed professionals using this iconic text to deepen our understanding of our clients and ourselves.  Join us for a professional discussion that examine the ways trauma can manifest and how it impacts our work in the field as professional interpreters.

Upon registration, an invitation to join the closed discussion group and RID paperwork for CEUs.  Participants must purchase their own book (available at any book seller, Kindle & library loan). There is no specific time participants need to be on-line. Weekly reflections are posted at the pace of the reader.

1.0 Professional Studies     Cost:  $95

Register anytime now - August 5th, 2024

All Book club selections earn 1.0 RID Professional Studies CEUs 

Upcoming 2024 Book Titles*: 

September 2024: "What Movies Can Teach Us About Disabilities" by: Trevor Pacelli

October 2024:  "What the F: What Swearing Reveals About Our Language, Our Brains, and Ourselves" by: Benjamin K Bergen 

November 2024: “It’s time to talk (and listen): How to Have Constructive Conversations about Race, Class, Sexuality, Ability & Gender in a Polarized World” by Anastasia S. Kim and Alicia del Prado

*subject to change